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Integration configuration - Adobe Commerce - Mercado Pago Developers

Integration configuration

With the Mercado Pago Plugin installed, it will be necessary to configure it to be able to charge using our solution.

We have released a new plugin for Adobe Commerce that is compatible with the latest platform updates. We recommend users of versions 3.5 to 3.19 to update in order to take advantage of the new features. Older versions will no longer receive updates, features, or fixes. Learn how to update the plugin in the Adobe Commerce documentation .

The basic configuration of the plugin is done in 3 steps: Mercado Pago integration, Store Name, Category and Integrator ID, and Integration API, followed by Payment configuration (Checkout Transparente and Checkout Pro).

Follow the steps described in this documentation to configure the Mercado Pago plugin in Adobe Commerce store.

To make real sales or test the store, you need to have production and/or test credentials. If you haven't created your credentials yet, access the Credentials documentation and learn how to create them before moving on to the next steps.

Mercado Pago integration

  1. In the store Control Panel, access Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods.
  2. Under Other Payment Methods, click Configure on the Mercado Pago plugin.
  3. Click Basic Settings > Mercado Pago Integration.
  4. Under Checkout operation mode, select Production if you want to configure for receiving real sales, or Sandbox if you want to perform tests before going to production.
  5. If you have selected Production, enter your production Public key and Access Token. If you have selected Sandbox, enter your Sandbox Public Key and Access Token.
  6. Click Save Configuration at the top right corner of the screen.

After completing these steps, the basic information for the integration with the plugin will be concluded. Follow the next steps to continue the integration configuration process.

Store Name, Category and Integrator ID

In this configuration step, it is necessary to enter store information and, optionally, the integrator_id, which allows monitoring integrations performed by the integrator.

  1. Click Store Name, Category and Integrator ID and in the Store Name field enter the name that should be displayed on the buyer's invoice.
  2. Under Category of your store, set the category of the products that are sold, for example, "Cell Phones and Accessories".
  3. Under Integrator ID, enter your integrator_id so that it is possible to register how many sales were processed with your account. If you don't have one, leave the field blank.

Store Name, Category and Integrator ID

API Integration

In the API Integration step, it will be possible to define whether or not you want to receive refund notification. By selecting "Yes", your store will receive the refund notification by processing a "Credit Note".

API Integration

Developer support

In this step, it is possible to define the transaction log registration behavior. To do this, follow the steps below according to the description of each option.

  1. Under Debug, select "Yes" or "No". This field will allow registering the store's communications with Mercado Pago to offer even better support (do not use debug mode with the store in production mode).
  2. Under Rewrite Notification URL, it is possible to enter an alternative URL to receive the refund notification. This function is exclusive to developers.


After completing all the steps, the integration with the Mercado Pago plugin will be finalized and ready for payment configuration (Checkout Pro and Checkout API).