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Payment creation results - Payments possible status - Mercado Pago Developers

Payment creation results

approvedaccreditedDone! Your payment was credited. Your statement will show the amount charge as statement_descriptor.
approvedpartially_refundedThe payment has at least one partial refund.
authorizedpending_captureThe payment has been authorized and is waiting for capture.
in_processoffline_processDue to lack of online processing, the payment is being processed offline.
in_processpending_contingencyWe are processing your payment.

Don't worry! You will be notified via e-mail if the payment was credited in less than 2 business days.
in_processpending_review_manualWe are processing your payment.

Don't worry! You will be notified via e-mail if it is credited or if we need more information in less than 2 business days.
pendingpending_waiting_transferIn cases of bank transfer, the status_detail is obtained by waiting for the user to finish the payment process in their bank.
pendingpending_waiting_paymentIn cases of offline payments, it remains pending until the user finishes the payment.
pendingpending_challengen cases of credit card payments, there is a pending confirmation due to a challenge.
rejectedbank_errorIf the payment method is bank transfer, the payment was rejected due to an error with the bank.
rejectedcc_rejected_3ds_mandatoryThe payment is rejected for not having a 3DS challenge when it is mandatory.
rejectedcc_rejected_bad_filled_card_numberCheck card number.
rejectedcc_rejected_bad_filled_dateCheck expiration date.
rejectedcc_rejected_bad_filled_otherCheck data.
rejectedcc_rejected_bad_filled_security_codeCheck card security code.
rejectedcc_rejected_blacklistYour payment couldn't be processed.
rejectedcc_rejected_call_for_authorizeAuthorize the amount payment to payment_method_id.
rejectedcc_rejected_card_disabledCall payment_method_id to activate your card, or use a different payment method. The phone is on the back of your card.
rejectedcc_rejected_card_errorYour payment couldn't be processed.
rejectedcc_rejected_duplicated_paymentYou have already made a payment for that value.

If you need to pay again, use a different card or payment method.
rejectedcc_rejected_high_riskYour payment was rejected.

Select a different payment method; we recommend cash methods.
rejectedcc_rejected_insufficient_amountYour payment_method_id does not have enough funds.
rejectedcc_rejected_invalid_installmentspayment_method_id does not process payments in installments installments.
rejectedcc_rejected_max_attemptsYou reached the allowed attempt limit.

Select a different card or payment method.
rejectedcc_rejected_other_reasonpayment_method_id did not process payment.
rejectedcc_amount_rate_limit_exceededRejected because it exceeded the limit (CAP - Maximum Allowed Capacity) of the payment method.
rejectedrejected_insufficient_dataRejected due to the lack of all required mandatory information in the payment.
rejectedrejected_by_bankOperation rejected by the bank.
rejectedrejected_by_regulationsPayment rejected by regulations.
rejectedinsufficient_amountPayment rejected due to insufficient amount.