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Processing errors - Massive links and Debts (SFTP) - Mercado Pago Developers

Errors in processing

Below are the controls carried out by Self Service to ensure the correct functioning of the end-to-end flow and to preserve our users' experience. If any of the controlled situations are detected, the complete information will not be processed and must be resent in its entirety.

Content controls

Error codeDescriptionCause
E001Field {fieldname} not presentOne of the required fields is not present.
E002Invalid format in field {fieldname}One of the fields does not respect the indicated format.
E003Due last date must be after todayThe due date must be after the current date.
E004Second Due date must be after first due dateThe second due date must be after the first.
E005Third Due date must be after second due dateThe third due date must be after the second.
E006Second due date is missingThe second due amount is present, but the second due date is missing.
E007First Due amount not present or is not greater than 0The first due amount is missing or not greater than 0.
E008Second Due amount not present or is not greater than 0The second due date is present, but the second due amount is missing.
E009Third Due amount not present or is not greater than 0The third due date is present, but the third due amount is missing.
E010Amount has decimals, only integers are allowedFor Chile and Colômbia. Some of the amounts contain decimals.
E012Reason length must be less than or equal to 100The reason field exceeds 100 characters.
E013External Reference length must be less than or equal to 50The reference field exceeds 50 characters.
E014Tax must be 0, 5 or 19For Colombia. taxes values must be from the list of possible values.