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Print with external printer - Bluetooth - Mercado Pago Developers

Print with an external printer

Use the print feature, of the BluetoothPrinter class, to print with an external printer. Access is through the MPManager object. Check how to do it.

val bluetoothPrinter = MPManager.bluetooth.printer

bluetoothPrinter.print(dataToPrint) { response ->
       .doIfSuccess { printerResult ->
           // Manage successful print case
           when (printerResult) {
               BluetoothPrinterResult.SUCCESS -> {
                   // Successful print
                   // ... Perform additional actions if necessary

               BluetoothPrinterResult.NEED_SELECTION_DEVICE -> {
                   // More than one paired device, specific address is required
                   // ... Perform additional actions if necessary

               else -> { // Other success cases }
       }.doIfError { error ->
           // Manage the error case if necessary

final BluetoothPrinter bluetoothPrinter = MPManager.INSTANCE.getBluetooth().getPrinter();

final Function1<MPResponse<BluetoothPrinterResult>, Unit> callback =
   (final MPResponse<BluetoothPrinterResult> response) -> {
     if (response.getStatus() == ResponseStatus.SUCCESS) {
       // Perform additional actions if necessary
     } else {
       //Manage the error case if necessary
     return Unit.INSTANCE;

bluetoothPrinter.print(dataToPrint, callback);

dataToPrint (String)Text sequence you want to print.
callback ((MPResponse<BluetoothPrinterResult>) -> Unit)Request response feature that provides the result of the print request. The [MPResponse] includes the status, the error (if any), and the details in case of success, which contain a [BluetoothPrinterResult] object.
CONNECTION_FAILEDIndicates that the connection failed.
ERROR_UNDEFINEDIndicates that there is an error with an unknown cause.
SUCCESS Indicates that the printing was successful.
NEED_SELECTION_DEVICEIndicates that it’s necessary to specify the address of the devices when there’s more than one printer paired.
ERROR_DATA_TO_PRINT_NULLIndicates that the details to print are null.
ERROR_PRINTER_NOT_FOUNDIndicates that no paired printers were found.

Print using an external printer with a specific address

To print with an external printer identified by its address, use the print feature of the BluetoothPrinter class. Access must be through the MPManager object, as shown below.

val bluetoothPrinter = MPManager.bluetooth.printer

bluetoothPrinter.print(dataToPrint, address) { response ->
       .doIfSuccess { printerResult ->
           // Manage successful printing result
       }.doIfError { error ->
           // Manage the error case if necessary

final BluetoothPrinter bluetoothPrinter = MPManager.INSTANCE.getBluetooth().getPrinter();

final Function1<MPResponse<BluetoothPrinterResult>, Unit> callback =
   (final MPResponse<BluetoothPrinterResult> response) -> {
     if (response.getStatus() == ResponseStatus.SUCCESS) {
       // Perform additional actions if necessary
     } else {
       // Manage the error case if necessary
     return Unit.INSTANCE;

bluetoothPrinter.print(dataToPrint, address, callback);

dataToPrint (String)Text sequence you want to print.
address (String)Address of the printer that will be used to print.
callback ((MPResponse<BluetoothPrinterResult>) -> Unit)Request response feature that provides the result of the print request. The [MPResponse] includes the status, the error (if any), and the details in case of success, which contain a [BluetoothPrinterResult] object.
CONNECTION_FAILEDIndicates that the connection failed.
ERROR_UNDEFINEDIndicates that there is an error with an unknown cause.
SUCCESS Indicates that the printing was successful.
NEED_SELECTION_DEVICEIndicates that it’s necessary to specify the address of the devices when there’s more than one printer paired.
ERROR_DATA_TO_PRINT_NULLIndicates that the details to print are null.
ERROR_PRINTER_NOT_FOUNDIndicates that no paired printers were found.