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Integrate via API your Point of Sale - Integration configuration - Mercado Pago Developers

Integrate via API to Points of Sale

The Point Integrations API allows you to connect your points of sale (POS) to the Point ecosystem, in order to receive payments in the terminals that you have configured and guarantee a unified payment experience.

Diagram 1

This integration supports Point Smart devices. You can purchase them from our official store . Additionally, please note that this integration only allows cards, contactless, and SWIFT as payment methods.

Learn about its advantages

  • Security: All requests are made through HTTPS and authenticated via OAuth, ensuring the protection of your data and transactions.
  • Ease of use: You only need your access credentials to start using our platform without complications or delays.
  • Management agility: Manage your payment orders directly from your Point of Sale, streamline your processes, and enhance the customer experience.
  • Efficiency: Our integration reduces the probability of errors when charging, guaranteeing a smooth and secure operation. Additionally, it allows you to automate tasks to optimize your performance and results.

This flowchart explains how the API works:

Mercado Pago Point Flow