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Prerequisites - Split Payment - Mercado Pago Developers


To integrate the Split payments solution using the Checkout Pro or the Checkout API , it is important to meet the requirements shown below.

This documentation is specific to the 1:1 Split payments model. The 1:N model is available only to sellers with an advised portfolio who are in contact with the Mercado Pago commercial team. Additionally, if it is necessary to make configurations regarding the commission release date (marketplace fee or application fee), contact your assisted commercial executive.
Mercado Pago Seller AccountTo integrate, you need a seller account on Mercado Pago with a KYC 6 level. This ensures a solid foundation of trust and security in transactions. If you don't have one, you can create it for free.
Mercado Pago ApplicationIt is necessary to have the Mercado Pago application to manage the received payments. You can download its version for Android devices, or for iOS devices.
OAuthResellers in the Marketplace must go through the OAuth authorization process to establish a secure and authenticated connection. This procedure ensures the legitimacy of commercial transactions and protects the integrity of operations. Refer to the OAuth documentation for more information.
Integration with Mercado PagoThe Marketplace is available to be integrated with Mercado Pago using the **Checkout Pro and the CheckoutAPI ** (1:1 model).
CredentialsExclusive passwords used to identify an integration in your account and allow secure navigation and user data protection. Refer to the Credentials documentation for more information.
Test AccountsTest accounts allow you to perform tests in the application to ensure that everything is working correctly. You can create them in Your integrations.