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Callback Method - Start payment flow - Mercado Pago Developers

Callback Method

The callback method is a simple way to initialize the payment flow with Main Apps. It uses the new launchPaymentFlow method in the PaymentFlow class and allows for response handling through callbacks, making implementation and subsequent management easier.

Start your integration using our SDKs to initialize the payment flow through the PaymentFlow class as follows:

val paymentFlow = MPManager.paymentFlow

val paymentFlowRequestData = PaymentFlowRequestData(

   amount = 10.0,

   description = "test description",

   paymentMethod = PaymentMethod.CREDIT_CARD.name,

   installments = 6, // optional field if it processes the payment in installments

   printOnTerminal = false // optional field if it processes the payment without printing at the terminal



   paymentFlowRequestData = paymentFlowRequestData

) { response ->

   response.doIfSuccess { result ->

       // success handling using a message

   }.doIfError { error ->

       // error handling



final PaymentFlow paymentFlow = MPManager.INSTANCE.getPaymentFlow();

final String amount = "2.0";

final String description = "Payment description";

final PaymentFlowData paymentFlowData = new PaymentFlowData(




   6, // optional field if launching the payment in installments. 

   false // optional field if launching the payment without printing in terminal


final Function1<MPResponse<PaymentResponse>, Unit> callback = (final MPResponse<PaymentResponse> response) -> {

 if (response.getStatus() == ResponseStatus.SUCCESS) {

   // Success handling using a message

 } else {

   // Error handling 


 return Unit.INSTANCE;


paymentFlow.launchPaymentFlow(paymentFlowData, callback);

paymentFlowData (PaymentFlowData)Data model required to open the flow.
callback (MPResponse -> Unit)The callback will be invoked with the result of the payment operation. It receives an MPResponse object with a PaymentResponse.
amount (String)Amount used to initiate the payment flow.
description (String)Optional. Description used to initiate the payment flow.
paymentMethod (String)Optional. Payment method to perform the operation.
installments (Integer)Optional. Number of installments used to initiate the payment flow. It is only available for Brazil.
printOnTerminal (Boolean)Optional. Flag that allows automatic printing on the device. By default, it is set to true.

When the payment operation is processed, you will receive an MPResponse object with a PaymentResponse that will contain all the relevant information, as shown in the descriptions below.

val paymentResponse = PaymentResponse(
    paymentType = "paymentType",
    paymentReference = "paymentReference",
    paymentCreationDate = "paymentCreationDate",
    paymentAmount = 123,
    paymentSnDevice = "paymentSnDevice",
    paymentInstallments = "paymentInstallments",
    paymentBrandName = "paymentBrandName",
    paymentLastFourDigits = "paymentLastFourDigits",
    statusError = ""

PaymentResponse paymentResponse = new PaymentResponse(

paymentMethodPayment method used to perform the transaction.
paymentReferenceNumber that serves as a unique identifier for the transaction.
paymentCreationDateCreation date of the transaction.
PaymentamountAmount used to initiate the payment flow.
paymentSnDeviceSerial number of the device where the transaction was made.
paymentBrandNameValue of the franchise used to make the payment.
paymentInstallments:Number of installments/months that the customer chose when making the payment.
paymentLastFourDigitsLast four digits of the customer's card used for the payment.
paymentStatusErrorField for tracking problems and errors related to the transaction.