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Requirements for the production environment - Integration test - Mercado Pago Developers

Requirements to go to production

When completing the integration process, your environement will be ready to be set into production. In this documentation, you will find the necessary requirements you need to meet to do this in a secure and effective way, guaranteeing that your integration is ready to receive real payments.

Activate production credentials

To start receiving payments, you must activate your production credentials and replace the test credentials.

To do so, enter the Dashboard and, in the side menu, access Production > Production credentials. There, you will find your productive Public Key and Access Token, which should replace the test ones used in previous stages.

Production Credentials

For more information, check our Credenctials documentation.

SSL Certificate

To ensure the security of your integration and protect the data involved in transactions, it is necessary that you have an SSL certificate and that the payment form be made available on an HTTPS page.

This process aims to guarantee the security of your customer's data, comply with legal requirements in each country, and provide the best purchasing experience for your sales.

Although an SSL certificate may not be required during the testing phase, it is mandatory when going live. For more information, check the Terms and Conditions of Mercado Pago.

Additional considerations

Quality measurement

Before going to production, and in order to offer the best experience to both the seller and the buyer, you must assess the quality of your integration with our measurement tool. This is a certification process that allows you to verify if you are meeting the quality and security standards of Mercado Pago before starting to receive real payments.

The measurement can be carried out in two ways:

  • Manual, where you will need to enter the payment ID of a payment made with production credentials to perform the measurement whenever you wish.
  • Automatic, directly conducted by our tool once a month, as long as you also have a payment made with production credentials.

In both cases, the measurement is performed considering fundamental aspects for the effectiveness of your integration, such as payment approval improvement, financial reconciliation, security, among others.

If adjustments are needed, necessary actions and best practices will be suggested to improve the evaluated aspects and ensure that your integration meets the necessary standards.

Payment approval

Get to know what measures you can take to improve your payment approval, such as submitting the item and payer information, shipping data, and industry information, among others.


Keep the status of orders updated in your systems by using and processing notifications correctly IPN or Webhooks.


Mercado Pago reports provide financial information to track account transactions, such as available balance, movements, and liquidity. This facilitates the reconciliation of sales and other operations with your internal management systems.

We recommend using the reports to improve your company's financial management once you go live.