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Change texts - Visual customizations - Mercado Pago Developers

Change texts


It is possible to change the texts that are loaded in Brick. For this, in Brick's initialization object, it is necessary to send the customization.visual.texts object with the desired text values.

If the customized texts are larger than the available space, the displayed text will be interrupted up to the maximum size allowed and the excess will be replaced by the symbol "...". Also pay attention to the fact that custom texts ignore empty values.

Changed texts overwrite the language settings passed to Brick.

Customizable texts are displayed below.

const settings = {
  customization: {
    visual: {
      texts: {
        formTitle: "string",
        emailSectionTitle: "string",
        installmentsSectionTitle: "string",
        cardholderName: {
          label: "string",
          placeholder: "string",
        email: {
          label: "string",
          placeholder: "string",
        cardholderIdentification: {
          label: "string",
        cardNumber: {
          label: "string",
          placeholder: "string",
        expirationDate: {
          label: "string",
          placeholder: "string",
        securityCode: {
          label: "string",
          placeholder: "string",
        entityType: {
          placeholder: "string",
          label: "string",
        financialInstitution: {
          placeholder: "string",
          label: "string",
        selectInstallments: "string",
        selectIssuerBank: "string",
        formSubmit: "string",
        paymentMethods: {
          newCreditCardTitle: "string",
          creditCardTitle: "string",
          creditCardValueProp: " string",
          newDebitCardTitle: "string",
          debitCardTitle: "string",
          debitCardValueProp: "string",
          ticketTitle: "string",
          ticketValueProp: "string",
        reviewConfirm: {
          componentTitle: "",
          payerDetailsTitle: "",
          shippingDetailsTitle: "",
          billingDetailsTitle: "",
          paymentMethodDetailsTitle: "",
          detailsTitle: "",
          summaryItemsTitle: "",
          summaryShippingTitle: "",
          summaryDiscountTitle: "",
          summaryYouPayTitle: "",
          summaryTotalTitle: "",

const settings = {
  customization: {
    visual: {
      texts: {
        formTitle: "string",
        emailSectionTitle: "string",
        installmentsSectionTitle: "string",
        cardholderName: {
          label: "string",
          placeholder: "string",
        email: {
          label: "string",
          placeholder: "string",
        cardholderIdentification: {
          label: "string",
        cardNumber: {
          label: "string",
          placeholder: "string",
        expirationDate: {
          label: "string",
          placeholder: "string",
        securityCode: {
          label: "string",
          placeholder: "string",
        entityType: {
          placeholder: "string",
          label: "string",
        financialInstitution: {
          placeholder: "string",
          label: "string",
        selectInstallments: "string",
        selectIssuerBank: "string",
        formSubmit: "string",
        paymentMethods: {
          newCreditCardTitle: "string",
          creditCardTitle: "string",
          creditCardValueProp: " string",
          newDebitCardTitle: "string",
          debitCardTitle: "string",
          debitCardValueProp: "string",
          ticketTitle: "string",
          ticketValueProp: "string",
        reviewConfirm: {
          componentTitle: "string",
          payerDetailsTitle: "string",
          shippingDetailsTitle: "string",
          billingDetailsTitle: "string",
          paymentMethodDetailsTitle: "string",
          detailsTitle: "string",
          summaryItemsTitle: "string",
          summaryShippingTitle: "string",
          summaryDiscountTitle: "string",
          summaryYouPayTitle: "string",
          summaryTotalTitle: "string",


To change the texts of offline payment methods (tickets, Pix and ATM, for example), within the paymentMethods object, use the pattern {paymentMethodId}{ValueProp/Title} .

Customized texts will only be displayed if these values appear in Brick. For example, if payment with ticket is not enabled, the texts referring to the ticket in Brick will not be displayed.